Sunday, November 29, 2009

And few more picture!

Today was little better, taking picture of the wild cat. If you touch them, they bite you. And it hurts! I thought I could pet that other Ragdoll cat, But wow she turn around bit me on my wrist. It started bleed pretty bad, and swell tightly. It wasn't fun at all that time. Skittle caught a rat in our house just an hour ago. lol. But it little mouse. Here are the wild cats I took picture. Our cat Baby-Sasha. We took her outside to live outside, Because she was mean and rude. And she was pregnant while she was outside. Then all that kitten she has, grown up! They are not year old yet. She have five wild kittens. They are so pretty. You'll see the kitten with only white and black is Stardoll. He is my favorite. I remeber I grab him when he was little, then he bit my finger, but it didn't hurt lol. He was just a little kitten. I can try to catch him sometime. But I know I won't when he gets bigger. lol. Anyway here are some picture of these wild kittens.

Thursday, November 26, 2009